Update of LionPanther Apr 2019

Haven’t update the blog for so long. However we haven’t stop from making new writing instrument. New manual lathe came and more style can be made.

We have joined the “Tap Siac Craft Market” host by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macau on behalf of Hong Kong between 3-5 May 2019. Tap Siac Craft Market our first step to go public for our craftmanship. It was a great honor that the BGCA (小童群益會- 想匠)had choose us from many applicants,  also a big thanks to Macau Government especially the Cultural Affairs Bureau for the sponser and support .  Macau is such a great place which reserved historical buildings and precious of craftmanship. There were so many senior craftmans and willing to share their information and knowledge.
Lastly,  thank you to all our lovely customers. Your supports is the most important part that you have provide a reason for us to keep going on Pen crafting.
There is lack of word can tell how grateful we are.

The LionPanther is going to join more and more event in the region.
15-16 Jun 2019 (D2 Place/香港掂檔市集) (under application)
23 June 2019 “給我一點。” 香港原創誌交流展x香港紙膠帶市集MTO Hong Kong (Confirmed)
4-5 Aug 2019 Hong Kong Handcraft and Design Exhibition (under application)
19-20 Oct 2019 Tainan Pen Show 2019, Tainan City (Taiwan) (Confirmed)

See you there.